Friday, 16 August 2013

Oh, How I Love Them v: Fleur

Fleur is the youngest member of our family, a cheeky and beautiful nine year old. She loves friends, loves dogs, and loves her freedom, while hating to clean her room, make her bed, or get dressed in the morning. This causes some friction between the hours of seven and nine o' clock am, and is rather funny to watch. . .if you are standing at a safe distance from the unravelling catastrophe. In the midst of it all, though, Fleur is a gentle girl with a spark of spunk in her. She is a gift-giver, often wrapping up an old possession or drawing a picture to give to a friend at co-op. She has gorgeous blue eyes and a smile to die for, and this reflection of a little quiet soul is part of what makes her an absolute treasure.

Oh. Oh, how very much I love her.


Holly said...


India said...

That picture = cuteness :)

Laura said...

I've really liked this series! Now someone will have to do you! :)